Solutions for Lenders
Let's face it, the servicing and mortgage lending industry are ever-changing with new rules and requirements. Ascend Appraisal Solutions Groups recognizes this and its unwavering commitment to quality and support. What this means for you as a lender, is improved compliance, decisions off your customized requirements and requests which lowers the risk of buy-backs and unnecessary reorders.
We are committed to quality and reducing your risk. To accomplish this, we have employed technology that is customized with thousands of automated business rules on top of what our clients have requested to be customized for their orders. In addition, we place all orders under a comprehensive review both automated and by hand to ensure that the delivered product gives you what you need to manage your business with greater confidence and reduced risk.
Sacrificing quality for speed is not necessary, and generally causes more of a headache later for everyone. Ascend Appraisal Solutions Group advantage resides in its quality control (QC) process which combines advanced technology with in-house staff and a panel of licensed and certified appraisers. The automated, appraiser-developed business rules and exception-based review by certified appraisers helps ensure BPO reports are credible before they are ever delivered. And while this process is more comprehensive than most valuation providers, it doesn’t slow turn times.